Tuesday, April 15, 2008

31 Weeks

I keep telling myself that I should write in this blog while I'm still pregnant, but I keep finding other things to occupy my time. Things like making a bassinet cover and diaper bag or shopping for a travel system. Visiting family and attending baby showers.

We've reached the point where I wish sleep were one of the things I was doing, but that's difficult to do anymore. I find it difficult to get comfortable and we won't discuss how many times a night I have to get up to go to the bathroom or sit up to relieve my heartburn.

I don't want it to sound like I'm not enjoying being pregnant. I am. I love feeling the baby wiggle and move. Some of my favourite moments have been sitting with Randall as he plays with and talks to the baby. He/She is getting big enough that I can distinguish hands and feet pushing from the inside out. The baby can react to pressure on my tummy. Randall will put a couple of fingers against my torso and the baby will push back with a hand or foot. He says it feels weird, but he always gets an adoring and amazed smile on his face. It's so cute. I'm so excited about our little family.

Well, 62 days to go...theoretically.